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Marine Mammal Parks: Let Freedom Ring

(From americanchronicle) On July Fourth, Americans from sea to shining sea will celebrate our independence and right to self-determination.

But for the countless fish, dolphins, whales, sea lions and other animals kept in chlorinated tanks in aquariums and marine mammal parks—where the “shining sea” is a fading memory—July Fourth is just another “dependence day.”

We humans are captivated by beautiful fish and marine mammals, but the animals themselves pay for our curiosity with their freedom. Many have paid with their lives.

The vast majority of animals in aquariums and marine parks have been removed from their rightful ocean homes. At the new Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, for example, more than 100,000 animals were netted out of thesea to be put on display. From 1995 to 2004, Cuba alone captured and sold at least 140 bottlenose dolphins to marine “attractions.”

There is no Independence Day for animals in aquariums. Families who care about dolphins, whales and other marine animals can help keep them in the oceans where they belong by refusing to patronize aquariums and marine mammal theme parks when hitting the road this summer. Don´t celebrate your freedom at the expense of those who have lost theirs.

(By People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – PETA)

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