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Dolphin Sanctuaries Proposed

(From stuff.co.nz) The Department of Conservation is calling for submissions on its proposal to establish two marine mammal sanctuaries in Southland.

The new marine mammal sanctuaries are in areas where dolphins are known to range — Porpoise Bay-Fortrose on the Catlins coast, and Te Wae Wae Bay on the south coast. Acting Conservation Minister Mahara Okeroa said mining and acoustic seismic surveying restrictions would apply in the sanctuaries, increasing the protection of the dolphins.

The measures were part of the department’s and the Fisheries Ministry’s Hector’s and Maui’s Dolphin Threat Management Plan.

“The threat management plan ensures the best combination of threat mitigation tools, both fishing and non-fishing, are used to protect these dolphins,” Mr Okeroa said.

The public has until 23 July to make a written submission on the proposals.


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