Home / News / Sharks (page 25)


April, 2009

  • 28 April

    Blue Sharks Of Hawaii: Sad Reality


    Blue sharks are found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters.  In Hawaii these beautiful sharks can also be seen in near-shore waters as well. The largest blue shark on record, according to researchers, was 12.6 feet, but they are rumored to reach up to 20 feet. This length has yet …

  • 27 April

    Whale shark rescued by Cagayan fisherfolk

    Local officials and residents of Buguey town in this province rescued an endangered whale shark or butanding last week.Buguey Municipal Secretary Arthur Pagador said the whale shark, measuring about 7 meters in length and weighing about 2 tons, was found entangled in a beach seine (daklis) along the shore of …

  • 26 April

    Say, ‘No’, to shark fin soup

    You probably do not have shark fin soup on next week’s menu, have never tasted the product, and may never even have heard of it.  Yet, this soup, particularly the methods used to acquire the cartilage used to make it, exemplify what is wrong with the “animals as food” industry.

  • 26 April

    Holyrood moves to stop shark ‘finning’ in Scottish waters

    It”s a problem you”d be forgiven for thinking was confined to the waters of the south China seas – marauding fishermen slicing the fins off sharks to make soup then throwing the creatures, still live, back into the water to bleed to death.

  • 23 April

    EU promises tighter fishing laws to protect sharks

    European Union ministers called on Thursday for urgent action to tighten hunting controls on sharks, which are seriously threatened by chronic overfishing and one of the world”s most vulnerable predators.

  • 23 April

    Stingrays found hacked up on Brisbane pier

    Credits: Wikipedia

    Authorities say they have been shocked by the discovery of 10 stingrays with their tails hacked off on a pier on Brisbane”s bayside.

  • 9 April

    Shark-fin traders thrive in UAE

    More than 300 sharks, including these ones, were caught and will have their fins harvested. Courtesy Daniel Hawkins

    Gourmands like them in soup, doctors prescribe them as cures and dealers trade them to get rich. That is why fishermen continue to flout the law and indiscriminately kill, maim and then discard as many sharks as they can catch. The fins are almost as good as gold.

March, 2009

  • 21 March

    Shark’s death stirs up debate

    White pointers are listed as a vulnerable species and are protected in Australian waters.

    The death of a great white shark in a net off Nobbys Beach has re-ignited debate about whether the nets should be used. The Herald published yesterday a picture of a NSW Government contractor hauling a 2.7-metre white pointer from the ocean, after it drowned in a net. White pointers …

  • 21 March

    Shark Alliance denounces illegal landing of basking sharks in Greece

    Basking Shark. Credits: Wikipedia

    The Shark Alliance, a coalition of NGOs dedicated to restoring and conserving shark populations, yesterday condemned two illegal landings of basking sharks, both over seven metres and weighing roughly two tonnes, taken from waters off Greece within the span of a week. The sharks were reportedly taken unintentionally by net …

  • 15 March

    Two tons of shark fins on Taiwanese boat

    Credits: greens.org.nz

    A Taiwanese fishing vessel with nearly two tons of dried shark fins on board was seized at Cape Town harbour on Saturday. The fins were confiscated by Department of Environmental Affairs inspectors and the skipper and crew of 26 face criminal charges for providing false information about their catch.

  • 13 March

    Spaniards lobby Madrid on shark protection: campaigners

    The fin of a shark breaks the surface near the

    Thousands of Spaniards have signed a petition demanding greater protection for sharks from overfishing, marine protection campaigners Oceana said Thursday. The document, signed by about 13,000 people, has been handed to Spain”s marine ministry, the group working with fellow environmental campaigners the Shark Alliance said in a statement.

  • 12 March

    Conservationists Protest Casino’s Acquisition Of Whale Sharks

    Whale shark

    A Singapore casino developer is planning to import whale sharks for its planned aquarium, resulting in several local and international animal welfare groups launching an online campaign opposing the plans, the American Free Press reported. The groups have called on the public to “voice their opinions” on the campaign”s website …